Prickles in Quantity

🎉 New headmates can be scary because complexity is scary, but our societal conceptions of value for things like life quality is one of the biggest things that make us scared - and working together and looking after eachother and doing our best can actually be just as good.

So basically it’s just singlet-normativity again. Suck it.

♦️ When a headmate says "I want to be a professional singer", singlet intuition dictates that pursuing that career dream is part of their life quality - and that, in a system, where they likely cannot do so, they are experiencing degraded life quality.

From this you should be able to derive why applying singlet intuition wholesale to entire systems or to all headmates simply does not work. If it did, every system whose members have hobbies and interests would be having an objectively worse time than nearly any singlet.

As a system, you collaboratively carve your own definition of life quality, of what is normal and what is good - our own norms have not been established, and they certainly don't cover the diversity in plurality that exists where they do.

System-wide actions like work, living spaces, front exchange, and body appearance are all similarly collaborations - and it's often the level of comfort and confidence with these collaborations that are included in this carved-out life quality.